Ontario is a big province and Backroad Mapbooks are well known as the outdoor recreation map source for Ontario, especially up north. Chaltrek offers Mapbooks, Northeastern Ontario maps and Northwestern Ontario maps.
Mapbooks offer information for fishing, hiking, camping, exploring, canoeing, hunting or pretty well any other outdoor activity in Canada.
These maps combine city and rural roads with current forestry and logging road maps. A wide variety of trail systems are highlighted, that range from popular hikes to a host of off-road routes. To aid users the trails are marked with symbols designating which type of user can access the trail wherever space allows. Another helpful feature is the fact that ATV, snowmobile trails and long distance trails are highlighted with a background colour to allow for easier navigation.
For paddlers, access points, portages as well as the water route itself are indicated.
Besides parks, you will find a wide range of other recreational opportunities marked. These range from beaches to wildlife viewing opportunities.
For hunters and anglers, Management Units are included.